Well, the 'retreat' location is gorgeous, although I haven't seen a glint of sunshine since I left LA, but the rain here is pretty amazing, coming in fits and spurts, yesterday it started pouring all of a sudden, and this morning it was misting, which was beautiful. It is pretty high up in the mountains over San José, and the views of the city are stunning, especially at night. There is a basketball court, a grassy green, and a soccer field. The cafeteria serves mostly Gallo Pinto with assorted meat, which is quite filling, though we are all still hungry for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Also, in the wildlife report, I've seen squirrels (with really long tails), parrots (green and quite loud), flycatchers (gorgeous yellow bellies), sparrows, and at least one vulture. Not much is happening here besides classes and learning (important for me, but not really for my fanbase) so I'll probably get back to this after I move in with my 'training' host family on Saturday.
have they brainwashed you in terms of the gallopinto yet? ;)